Sunday, October 27, 2019

Examining Entrepreneurs as Agents of Change

Examining Entrepreneurs as Agents of Change Introduction The rapid growth of the marketing is constantly changing our lives. As a result, entrepreneurs are played the importance role in a market as they are seen as agents of change. Which the change is economically based, the implications are far reaching, affecting other aspects of society such as social, cultural and political. That is why the entrepreneur is willing to take the responsibility and taking business risk to create and expand their business to order to explore more opportunities. Which the goods and services are fulfills customers demand and preferences. Entrepreneurs seen to be the starters and them also assume the role of manager. Which entrepreneurs are observing the fourth factor of production (entrepreneur, land, labor and capital) and improve for the economic development. They were actively form to lead their own business and cultivate and offering new ideas for the economic growth and prosperity in individually. Moreover, entrepreneurs have a good in planning and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Therefore, it can avoid the failure that may threat to an entrepreneur and the lack of continuity of the business and know how to developing the field of social entrepreneurship. In the scenarios, among a social entrepreneur is motivated to improve and transform social, educational, environmental and economic conditions. Social entrepreneurs are for social improvement but not for the money. They are presents their ideas that are user-friendly and ethical that which applies innovative solutions to support in order to expand the large number of people to tackle their idea. Which the challenges and successful of highly effective social entrepreneurs include the failure and a lack of acceptance of the status. The social entrepreneur is importance to driven by an emotional desire to the social and economic conditions and not only by the desire for profit. Anyways, they seek for the best solutions to resolve the problems that can be copied by others. In other hand, social entrepreneur were improvement of the goods and services offered to the community is to create the social value with run as non-profits. Challenges of Social Entrepreneurship The challenging issue of social entrepreneurship is to build up a no funding of reliable team, and establish an effectively and reality business plan to scale up. In this case, the skills and insight of a social entrepreneurship is very importance that must hold by them in their business. Challenges may bring the success for entrepreneurs to lead their own businesses and active involvement to explore more opportunities. The below are show the challenges of social entrepreneurship. 2.1 Managing Accountability Accountability is a complicated issue for social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurs create the opportunities, good in planning and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Which they must have a good skills and insight to developing its strategic in the business. Social entrepreneurs need to build the profitable businesses which are observing the fourth factor of production (entrepreneur, land, labor and capital) and improve for the economic development. Therefore, social entrepreneur always strive for excellence in a business which make their own view and experiences to the companys strategy. However, social entrepreneurs also same with other entrepreneurs, have to search for resources and survive until the business begins reaping income. The challenges and skills are useful in the future for entrepreneurs more accountable on their business. 2.2 Managing the Double Bottom Line Double bottom line is a business term which can create a series of tensions across the business (Pharaoh, Scott, Fisher, 2004). Its to measure the financial performance in term of positive social impact. It approach to applied to public and private sector organizations ability to take their strengths and capacity and match them to an opportunity they see in the marketplace- an opportunity that both meets their mission and provides financial stability- this is what we call double bottom line. (Anon, 1999) These great efforts must take time to achieve the results more effective management and outcome the form of revenue diversification. 2.3 Managing Identity In the managing identity issues, Social entrepreneurs who have worked mainly in the nonprofit sector may find it difficult to identify closely with the commercial side of the business; for entrepreneurs with a for-profit background, the problem may be a difficulty identifying with the goals and approach of the social side of the venture, especially when they undermine the stability of the business (Pharoah et al., 2004). Besides that, Complex identity issues such as these need to be made explicit in the context of social entrepreneurship education, which should also convey the commercial realities of managing a social venture; regardless of their commitment to their social vision, only by operating profitably can social entrepreneurs engender sustainable social change. Clearly, this raises particular leadership dilemmas for social enterprise (Martin, 2003). 2.4 Managing a Global Operation Managing a global operation also play the important role for the challenges of social entrepreneur. All the work is done for global especially for social enterprise which they are faced to the new challenges to management the business. In this case, the time also important to this section to help them more function closely as a team in workplace. Anyways, staying objective and communicating your value, fighting fires and thinking strategically, and remaining true to the vision when complexity arrives are also be the strategically to positioning the business while there are occur a list of issues that need to be solve in the workplace. Success of Social Entrepreneurship The success will require the well practice, interchangeable ideas and knowledge to improve the society. Social entrepreneurship must have the hard work, plain, and simple behaviour to driven the success that can solve the social issues. Anyways, they are shared their ideas and have a good in plan and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Therefore, it can avoid the failure that may threat to an entrepreneur and the lack of continuity of the business and know how to developing the field perfectly. The next point will bring the success to an entrepreneurs is traits of an entrepreneur. Thats important for entrepreneur to strive the excellent in business and also focus on how they can get the things they want through the ways they go. Below are show the factor and traits of an entrepreneur to driven the success. 3.1 Goal-Setter A goal-setter is very importance for anyone to get the successful in business. Stay focused and strive for balance to set a goal will be useful for everyone. To achieve the goal, entrepreneur must ensure that the goal is clearly and achieve attainable vision with concrete measurable goals. 3.2 Knowing Your Strengths and Weaknesses Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of an entrepreneur also may bring the successful in business. Anyways, the strengths and weaknesses are playing an active role in people likes to successful in business. This is the ability that entrepreneurs have to brush off failures and mistakes and keep going forward. Therefore, an entrepreneur must exercise how to get even better performance in business, enhance self-confidence, and improve the study skills, knowledge and ability. Regardless in life or in business, entrepreneurs are playing the importance and potential role in the business. Before that, entrepreneurs have to self-evaluation themself such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This may transform people attitudes to get even better, know the ways to improve the ability. 3.3 Maximizing Opportunities An opportunity is importance for entrepreneurs; they are always looking for opportunities. Whether they are already in business or just getting started, they have an attitude that expects opportunities, and they invest the time necessary to find the opportunities that will work for them; even those already running a successful business remain open to new possibilities. (Anon, 2003) 3.4 Know Your Business/ Know Your Competition Problems are always occurring in the business. The new idea may bring the opportunities by increase the income of the business and success achieve the goal was set. So that an entrepreneur must have a good in plan and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Entrepreneur must have the great thinking and creative ideas that to play the important to share the new ideas which the ideas may make them success in their own business. 3.5 Effectively Manage Budgets and Finances Budgets and finance are also the issues for entrepreneurs as how they earn the income by investment. The ethical and moral must be including by an entrepreneur, they use the positive ways to operate their business. Effectively manage budgets and finances may help them to save the resources and reduce the expenses in production. 3.6 Never Settle for Second Best Never settle for second best also as a trait for an entrepreneur also may bring the successful in business. Entrepreneurs have a good in planning and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Innovation for entrepreneurs is to done the new ideas to become products and services which the products and services are fulfill customers demand and preferences. They were actively form to lead their own business and cultivate and offering new ideas for the economic growth and prosperity in individually. Moreover, entrepreneurs are capability to learn from the failure and personal initiative to make innovation and improvement to get the business opportunities. 3.7 Hard Work The time is the issues that to bring people for driven to success. The characteristic of an entrepreneur are willingness to work hard and assuming the responsibility in the workplace. Entrepreneurs must know how to managing their time to work or launching a new business. Therefore, they are fully applying they ability with intensity and focus to done their duty in business. The position of an Social Entrepreneurship To become a great entrepreneur, there are the ways to position their post in workplace. This may helpful to entrepreneurs to success in business and improve their knowledge and ideas. 4.1 Set a clear, attainable vision with concrete measurable goals Explanation the notion of leading is to motivate employee to achieve the goals has been set. Create a shared culture and values, communicating to all the employees of all the organization. That may infusing the employees that to perform the high level and ability to shape the communication, culture and motivate employees to achieve business success. Anyways, leading process were let the employees know what is the vision need to measure up and try to motivate the employees to make the organization more effectiveness, efficiency and functional the organization. Tell people what your individual expectations are A feedback is helpful to specific and measurable about their ongoing job performance. Its may identify the employees who get the benefit from every training or supervision. In other hand, everyones expectations are different to each other. Theyre needed to tell other about what was he or she expects to want to get in the business. Thats the key to striving to make someone a success. Moreover, responsibility for a person may bring the effect to the whole organization. The motivation, dedication and productive may drive the business a success. Entrepreneurs may feel confident about their skills and it may make it easily be more productive, satisfied and successful. Self-review, evaluation to motivate the potential in the workplace Self-evaluation can use the SWOT analysis to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in workplaces. However, it may transform people attitudes to get even better, know the ways to improve the ability. A good conversation promotes an image of intelligence, wittiness and, self-confidence. Therefore, this may improve a persons ability in conversation or other situation. This also may help people to find the objectives and how to solve the problem in presentation, study, and finding information. Anyways, different path such as academic, personal, career, or other also has distinct objectives. To achieve the goal, a person must ensure that goal is clearly aware of what is expected from them if an objective is to be achieved. (ezinearticles, 2005) Be open to new ideas The thinking strategically is the challenges for entrepreneurs to resolve the business problem and create the innovations. A social entrepreneur must have the great thoughts and creative ideas. Thats an important reason that to share their new ideas which the ideas may success to improve their organization. A new idea may bring the opportunities to extensive the business in which increased productivity. The challenges in the field of social entrepreneurship also the development of new strategies and notion frameworks tailored specifically to social value creation. These reactions are crucial to fostering a positive environment that builds morale, improves motivation, and creates opportunities for success. Conclusion In the conclusion, challenges and success will build up a good behavior and establish an effectively and reality business plan to scale up. The success will require the well practice, interchangeable ideas and knowledge to improve the society. Challenges may bring the success for entrepreneurs to lead their own businesses and active involvement to explore more opportunities. Anyways, they are shared their ideas and have a good in plan and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Therefore, it can avoid the failure that may threat to an entrepreneur and the lack of continuity of the business and know how to developing the field perfectly. Social entrepreneurship must have the hard work, plain, and simple behaviour to driven the success that can solve the social issues. In this case, the skills and insight of a social entrepreneurship is very importance that must hold by them in their business. The skills may help social entrepreneurship development of new strategies to perform a good performance and developing the field perfectly in workplace.

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