Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Ruthless Psychology Extended Essay Samples Strategies Exploited

Ruthless Psychology Extended Essay Samples Strategies Exploited Failing a long program will cost you more cash. So, broadly speaking, educational psychology as part of pedagogic education gives course attendants with better comprehension of the learning procedure and, in the long term, gives them ideas on how educational procedure can be made better in schools or colleges, and even at work. The procedure is straightforward. Ensure you ask your IB coordinator if there's any essential paperwork. Tangible action items don't need to be huge changes in the way you live. Ideally, you would like to pick a subject that's specific enough to let you fully research and learn more about the topic, but not so specific that you have a challenging time finding sources of information. It is crucial to settle on a topic which you are semi-interested in and one that you're in a position to conduct research to answer the research question. You will be supplied a topic with different subcatego ries. What Does Psychology Extended Essay Samples Mean? Comparisons aren't the only means to acquire a grade A EE. Choosing what things to concentrate on (and what not to concentrate on) is crucial. It is possible to also refer to our Essay Outline Templates to supply you with an idea about how to start. The Fundamentals of Psychology Extended Essay Samples You Will be Able to Benefit From Beginning Today My dream is to someday develop into a prosperous industrial-psychologist. You may trust us to supply you with the ideal work. It's only normal to be anxious about hiring an on-line essay writer as you can't ever be sure whether you are employing the proper service or not. Our professional writers are almost always prepared to assist you with all the written assignment. A Startling Fact about Psychology Extended Essay Samples Uncovered When you plan for your paper instead of merely writing it, you will have a less difficult time writing the paper. You're on the correct page. If you don't know a lot regarding the essay then you ought to attempt to look on the Internet so that you receive a concept of the content. Browsing our essay writing samples can provide you a sense whether the standard of our essays is the quality you're looking for. The Start of Psychology Extended Essay Samples You're permitted to follow the advancement of your paper so that you're able to give any clarifications you've got. Consequently, an individual may choose to compose a paper hurriedly. Thus, when you order your paper here, you can be certain it will be totally original. Every paper has a specific area of study and so is true with IB extended. Knowing your weaknesses is the secret to seeking the essential solutions. The list of ideas is provided below. You also ought to concentrate on making sure you concentrate on a topic which you know a little or a lot about. If you don't know your topic inside-out, you'll likely find it pretty challenging to write anyth ing of fantastic quality. Each writer has a field of specialization for which they're highly trained. Once you get your outline and thesis completed, you are prepared for the research portion. Extended essays may require a level of technicality. An elongated essay is one which permits students the chance to dig deeper into a place of study linked to psychology. What Everybody Dislikes About Psychology Extended Essay Samples and Why You may also ask for some essay samples from your seniors to be certain that you're proceeding in the proper direction. Well, with us you can find the type of essay you want at an inexpensive price tag. All you have to do is to make your purchase. If you've already decided on the most suitable topic of interest, make certain to include that while placing the purchase. In the majority of cases, work consumes most of the time for people leaving limited time to produce original psychology arguments. By altering the traumatic ones to neutral, indi viduals might attempt to deal with negative experiences. Psychology is a significant utility in regards to helping people jump over hurdles in nearly any life situation. The sole thing that keeps me moving towards college is the notion of being in a position to help different people once I graduate. The Debate Over Psychology Extended Essay Samples It's possible to order a custom extended essay in psychology in only three simple actions. The option to write psychology extended essays all on your own or hiring an expert to write one for you is entirely up-to-you. The very first paragraph of your essay is a significant one. If you discover that it's really hard to develop psychology essay topics for your essay, get interesting suggestions for your upcoming topic. Before you start your essay, familiarize yourself with a few of the fundamentals. A badly spelt essay just appears stupid, and you will receive a grade to reflect that.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Analysis Of Compensation Equity Is Very Popular Right Now

The topic of compensation equity is very popular right now. Concerns about gender pay gap, CEO pay ratio, and pay satisfaction as it relates to employee performance are especially prevalent. For this discussion we will focus on the ethical implications of CEO pay ratio but in order to do this we must first define compensation. Often CEO compensation is comprised of cash salary, bonuses, stocks, options, etc. It is not unusual for companies to have requirements about the percentage of the CEO total compensation that must be held in stocks in an attempt to incentivize good performance. The required company investment may have other limitations such as restrictions on when stocks can be purchased and sold (Core and Guay 2010). This is†¦show more content†¦If all employees earned satisfactory wages, the pay ratio would decrease. According to Henderson and Fredrickson (2001), it is necessary to distinguish between economic views and behavioral views that embody various pay gap theories. Economic perspectives emphasize competition while behavioral perspectives emphasize cooperation (p. 97). Relative deprivation theory states that when lower level employees feel like they are receiving less than they deserve, it can lead to adverse behavior (p. 97). Tournament theory proposes that CEO pay gap promotes competition and the gap between successive ranks increases with hierarchical level (p. 99). This theory relies on strong incentives to justify pay gap and encourage positive behavior from employees, however, this approach favors the individual so for organizations that require coordination and cooperation, this can elicit self serving behavior. When collaboration is vital to an organization, the allocation preference theory proposes that pay is distributed relatively equally to maintain social harmony and dis courage destructive employee behavior (p. 98). Another key consideration is how dominant cultural values impact organizational structure. According to Tosi and Greckhamer (2004) national cultures emerge from a broad set of forces which results in a dominant cultural value set and isShow MoreRelatedEmployee Motivation And Job Performance Evaluation Essay1875 Words   |  8 PagesIn today’s worker environment, compensation is a major deciding factor in being a desired, competitive company looking to hire and retain their employees. Compensation packages include the following: salary, 401 k plans, health care benefits, stock options, vacations, bonuses, etc (Compensation, 2016). A compensation benefit package needs to have a clear and concise orientation of expectations for workers’ performance; in doing so, it will promote an effective strategy which can be outlined withRead MoreCompensation Benefits1892 Words   |  8 PagesCompensation Benefits BUS455 Final Exam This is an open book and open notes exam. You may use whatever materials you feel necessary. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

John Edgar Wideman free essay sample

In John Edgar Wideman’s article â€Å"Our Time† he describes several situations that ultimately lead to the downfall and imprisonment of his brother Robby. Wideman tells stories of several things that happened to his brother while he was growing up that could have helped contribute to his drug use and crime. In her essay â€Å"Arts of the Contact Zone†, Mary Louise Pratt tells of a similar situation. Pratt, who is a teacher and cultural historian, tells the story of Guaman Poma and his letter to King Phillip III. Poma, in his letter, tells the king his criticisms of the Spanish conquest in South America. Pratt labels Poma’s letter an autoethnographic text. Which is a text â€Å"in which people undertake to describe themselves in ways that engage with representations others have made of them†(487). What Pratt means by her description is that Poma is describing himself and his people to the king, with the representations that the conquerors gave them. We will write a custom essay sample on John Edgar Wideman or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Poma tells the king the entire story, how the conquerors came in and forced Poma and his people to adapt to their ways, sometimes inadvertently, and sometimes not. In addition to autoethnography, Pratt also describes Pomas letter with the word transculturation. Pratt describes transculturation as â€Å"processes whereby members of subordinated or marginal groups select and invent from materials transmitted by a dominant or metropolitan culture†(491). Basically what transculturation means is a lower level group of people assimilating the ways of a higher level group of people, sometimes to try and be more like the higher ups, and sometimes because it is forced upon the lower level. Pratt wants readers to see texts this way because it makes the reader look for the deeper meaning behind the text. It makes the readers think deeper about peoples actions and ask themselves, Is this person the way he is because of the effect of someone else, or is he the way he is because that is the person he wants to be? This process can prove to be very helpful in figuring out why people do things, and why people are the way they are. When thinking about both Pratt and Wideman it is very easy to relate some of Pratt’s concepts to parts in Wideman’s article. One of the points that Wideman speaks of is the neighborhood that his younger brother was brought up in, and the people that he associated with. For the better part of Robby’s life, he lived in Homewood. Wideman describes Homewood during Robby’s life â€Å"with signs as blatant as sudden fire engines and patrol cars breaking your sleep, screaming through the dark Homewood streets†(670). Homewood was not a normal community where you could walk around at night and feel safe. Raising Robby in Homewood almost set him up to be a criminal. When Robby speaks to John about his time in Homewood, the dialogue that ensues is autoethnographic on Robby’s part. He describes to Wideman the person that he became because of the representations of the criminals around him. He explains how he felt out of place if he didn’t partake in the drugs and the violence. Robby could choose to be different; he could associate with different people. However, Wideman tells it like Robby selectively collaborates with the criminals. Robby even adopts the slang language that the criminals of Homewood communicate with. You could almost call the criminals that Robbie associated with â€Å"conquerors†. They came in and indirectly forced the people there to represent themselves like the criminals. By looking at Robby’s experience as autoethnographic, readers are able to better understand why he was somewhat forced to be the way he was during his time there.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Navigating Applying Early vs. Regular Decision

Early Decision applications show your dream school that you’re serious, but is it the right choice for you?There are plenty of options for application types out there that vary by school. Here’s an overview of a few:Early Decision (ED): a binding application (if you are accepted, you must attend, barring financial difficulties with proposed aid package) with an early deadline (usually around November 1st), and restrictions from applying early to any other private institution.Early Action (EA): a non-binding application with an early deadlineRestrictive Early Action: a non-binding application with an early deadline that only allows you to apply early to a certain number of other private institutions, typically zero or two (depending on single-choice or triple-choice early action)Regular Decision: a non-binding application with a regular deadline (usually around January 1st) There really is no right answer as to which application plan you should pursue. It really comes down to a personal choice. Here are just a few of the most common determining factors:First Choice: you should only apply ED to your first-choice school, because if you get in, you don’t get to apply to/accept offers from other schools.Financial Constraints: some applicants don’t apply ED because they prefer to compare financial aid packages between comparable institutions after the RD decisions are released.Time: some students prefer to take the extra couple of months to spend on perfecting their applications, rather than rushing to meet the early application deadline.Perceived Increased Chances: early applications often have higher rates of acceptance than their regular counterparts. However, this does not necessarily mean that it is â€Å"easier† to get in. Many factors are at play here, often including high rates of early legacy and recruited athlete applications ( pools which are not necessarily the same as your regular applicant). Given all of these circumstances, it is up to you to decide how and when to apply. However, despite it being a personal choice, sometimes the advice and stories of others can be helpful inspiration. See our youtube video here to see how some of our successful applicants navigated this tough decision. ​Hopefully this helps! You can find more useful tips on the topic using our Advice Search.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Frozen River Essay

Frozen River Essay Free Online Research Papers I found â€Å"Frozen River† an emotional film. Being a single mother myself I can empathize with both characters! To have a causality occur where you cry all the time because you don’t know how you are going to pay the bills. Not to mention needing to buy gift for a holiday. I would like to say I wouldn’t do the same since I’m going into law enforcement. The truth is I would! I would do anything that needed to be done to insure my children were taken care of! Never to let them know how bad things really were! They do not need to be involved in adult causalities period. Children need to keep there innocents as long as possible. After all in this day and age it is taken from them for to soon as it is. With this story I think it is an absolute definition of poverty. This woman cannot further her career in the minimum wage job that she holds. She cannot afford to buy a double wide trailer that the family so desperately needs. The woman has been working part-time for 3 years with a promise of a full time position. What I got is that not only that she was not going to get more hours but she was very disposable. I believe this is a perfect example of a mixed economy. Then again what situation wouldn’t be an example of a mixed economy? Then by fate or maybe even luck she ran into the member of the reservation. Someone who has her own causality’s in her life. This is where the differential association theory comes into play. This woman from the reservation had not only learned, but was taught how to smuggle immigrants’ into the country through the reservation. Even though she knew it was still a crime! In which taught the main character the same. In turn they developed a close bond. I enjoyed watching this film! It did get a few tears out of me as well. I would recommend others to watch this film. Especially mothers who feel lost and lonely! Well maybe not mothers with newborn! It was a very emotional part when the baby was left out in the cold. Research Papers on Frozen River EssayThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationWhere Wild and West MeetPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceMind TravelEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionCapital Punishment

Saturday, November 23, 2019

EMBA Admissions Consultants

Top 14 Services of Value Offered by MBA/EMBA Admissions Consultants In my previous blog entry, I pointed out several things that MBA Admissions Consulting isnt. Today I will describe what MBA Admissions Consulting does provide. The 14 most important services of value your MBA Admissions Consultant offers: 1. A partner throughout the entire application process. Many applicants need someone who knows MBA Admissions well to guide them through the application process from beginning to end. Having this type of partner greatly reduces the stress of the entire process, and that’s a role Admissions Consultants fill. A good MBA Admissions Consultant will first review your background and reasons for wanting to get an MBA, and comment on any specific items that might need strengthening starting with your logic for wanting an MBA! You will have questions that you want answered throughout the entire process, and your consultant will be a quick and easy source for answers. 2. A source of encouragement MBA applicants are usually very busy with their personal and professional lives and the application process can feel like a drag. However, schools expect all applicants to meet their deadlines and give their applications their all. Therefore, it’s often necessary for an Admissions Consultant to periodically encourage, cajole, and remind applicants of all they need to do to submit a competitive application. 3. School selection help In many cases, applicants’ target schools don’t match their backgrounds, goals, and scores. An Admissions Consultant can suggesting a strategy for selecting schools and research additional schools that might match well with your background and goals. 4. Dealing with problematic GPA and/or GMAT scores If an applicants numbers are not in range for the persons target schools, an Admissions Consultant can suggest several effective strategies to deal with that issue. 5. Resume feedback An Admissions Consultant will assess whether an applicants resume comes across properly or seems more like the resume of a college student or job hunter. In addition to making many specific suggestions, your consultant may refer you to a resume specialist such as one of the Certified Resume Writers on The Essay Experts team. 6. Guidance for choosing/working with recommenders An Admissions Consultant can review an applicant’s choice of recommenders if thats a concern, and provide extensive recommendation dos and don’ts. 7. Research Suggestions An Admissions Consultant will suggest research that applicants must do to truly understand their fit with specific schools, given their career and other goals. 8. Career goals insight Although Admissions Consultants are not Career Counselors, many have significant exposure to a wide range of fields. As a result, they are often quite expert at evaluating applicants’ stated career goals, and can help advise them regarding ways to research the most appropriate and logical career path a key element looked at by business schools. 9. Essay Strategy and Guidance Admissions consultants spend most of their time giving applicants feedback regarding their essays. An ethical consultant will never write the essays, as this practice can lead to an automatic rejection by the admissions committee. One the applicant writes a first draft of a schools essay set, the consultant will review and help the applicant with essay strategies. The applicant and consultant will then work together in an iterative process to make the essay set as effective as possible. The Admissions Consultant reviews each draft, sends it to the client with feedback, and continues this process until both the consultant and the client agree the set is complete and optimized. 10. Answering questions on the actual application form A few applicants have basic questions related to how to answer a question on the actual application form, and ask the Admissions Consultant to do a quick review. 11. Questions about timeline After submitting a group of applications, many applicant are likely to get nervous if the school hasn’t replied within an expected time frame. The consultant can provide reassurance that quite a few applicants are invited to interview right up to the last minute. 12. Interviewing A consultant can answer questions about whether to interview on campus or with an alumnus; provide interview tips to help with interview preparation and the interview itself; share feedback from other applicants who have interviewed at a school; and conduct mock interviews if needed. 13. Strategies for getting accepted from waitlists If you are put on a waitlist by one or more schools, the Admissions Consultant consultant can give your suggestions as to how to encourage the school to move you off the list and into the Accepted column. 14. Customization A good MBA admissions consultant will customize the consulting s/he provides to meet each clients needs. What are yours? Please share your questions/comments below. And stay tuned for my next article on the item of greatest concern to most: Essay Strategy. Need guidance in your MBA/EMBA Application process? Maximize your applications with help from The Essay Experts MBA Admissions Consulting Services. Or feel free to email me directly at Larry Sochrin Category:MBA Admissions ProcessBy Brenda BernsteinDecember 21, 2011

Thursday, November 21, 2019

History According to Neo-Conservative Historians Essay

History According to Neo-Conservative Historians - Essay Example Strauss believed liberal government policies were providing the masses with rights, power, and leisure that their simple minds neither deserved, nor were capable of responsibly wielding. Invariably, according to Strauss and Neo-Cons, the devolved masses give rise to Hitler-like evil. Strauss firmly and fully believed that the inherent weakness and ignorance of the masses, social-liberal policies, and the "excess" freedom of leisure coupled with the right to choose their own leaders provided the ingredients for humanitys demise. For Strauss, these devolved masses required strong authoritarian leadership comprised of those intellectually and socially superior (Ray, 1993). In nearly every aspect of todays American political life and foreign policy we see Strauss theory of constant struggle and conflict being employed and carried out. The media has often decried the obvious combative, angry, and mean-spirited nature of Americas contemporary political discourse. FOX News, which is the propaganda and disinformation outlet for the Neo-Conservative movement, has, by design, ensured Strauss theory of conflict plays out in the American political life. It certainly isnt by accident that prominent Neo-Conservatives like Bill Kristol are often featured on FOXs programs (Ray, 1993). Furthermore, the only purpose for the network to employ the bellicose and outrageous OReilly, and venomous and angry Sean Hannity is to divide American against American and instill a degree of political nastiness never before witnessed. A quick trip around the AM Radio dial will make apparent an entire legion of Republican and Neo-Conservative propagandists doing their part to foment all-out political warfare in the United States. Finally, few propagandists are loved and cherished more deeply by the Neo-Cons than the hate-spewing and liberal demonizing Ann Coulter (Halper & Clarke, 2005). The

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Global Issues in Design and Visuality in the 21st Century Cultural Essay

Global Issues in Design and Visuality in the 21st Century Cultural Analysis of the street - Essay Example The shape, dimension and structure of a civilization can vary. A educational collection can be a extensively scattered small figure of people, who shares a ordinary put of norms and values, or it be able to be a nation - smooth our world can be looked upon because a customer ambitious, capitalist civilization. Broken down, culture cannot live on it's own. It relies on the communication flanked by a dispatcher and a handset. It is in this interaction - the indoctrination and decode of a exacting communication, followed by the formation of meaning that civilization comes into existents; continually changing as it emerge and disappear into realism. The meaning creation can take put as it has done from the dawn of man type, from side to side conversation, playing, dancing etc. But as time has distorted, the ways that we interrelate with every other has changed the length of its side. From the industrialisation and onwards, novel technologies have open a new era of person interaction, allowing one-to-many message, defined as mass-communication. Mass message is generally the procedure of a expert communicator sending a communication reproduced from side to side electric or automatic equipment to a varied and anonyms audience. Newspapers, radio, television, cinema and the Internet are all instances of mass communiqu. Us as active participants in civilization, are daily bare to the various mail makes by mass communicators, and are continually in process of creating sense and defining civilization. The specific instance of popular civilization that I will analyse is music television (MTV). I will analyse it in conditions of; - Its place on the worldwide educational marked, - Its influence on the connotation creation of its audience - Its structure and place inside its surrounding civilization and surrounded by society. MTV is a cultural occurrence in our cotemporary civilization, living and mouthful of air through its spectators and their awareness and identity. It is a suitable subject of learn since of its widespread fame and its self-imposed educational aesthetics. What extra to speak than MTV is MTV. MTV, make and accumulation consumerism On August 1. 1981, MTV was launched for the primary time into educational awareness. Immortalizing itself the original VJ (Video jockey) kicked off with the language "ladies and gentlemen, rock 'n' roll," appropriate follow by "the Buggles" "Video killed the radio star" The first melody video network was born and complete it clear that music, or at smallest quantity the marketing of music, would turn out to be a visual medium, and the melody manufacturing hasn't been the similar since. When looking at MTV today it is firm to imagine that this enormous help figure, on one occasion was on the tilt of continued existence. The astronomical enlargement of wealth and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Blood Diamond Essay Example for Free

Blood Diamond Essay The makers of â€Å"Blood Diamond,† an exceptionally thriller starring a most excellent Leonardo DiCaprio, want you to know there may be blood on your hands, specifically your wedding finger. The story involves so-called conflict diamonds, illicitly mined stones that have been used to finance some of the most vicious wars in Africa. If films were judged solely by their good intentions, this one would be best in show. Instead, gilded in money and dripping with sanctimony, confused and mindlessly contradictory, the film is a textbook example of how easily commercialism can trump do-goodism, particularly in Hollywood. The 2006 movie (Blood Diamond) was recently seen by me, this is an American political war thriller film produced and directed by Edward Zwick, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Connelly and Djimon Hounsou. The title refers to blood diamonds, which are diamonds mined in African war zones and sold to finance conflicts, and thereby profit warlords and diamond companies across the world. During Sierra Leone Civil War in 1996–2001, the film shows a country torn apart by the struggle between government soldiers and rebels. It also portrays many of the atrocities of that war, including the rebels amputation of peoples hands to discourage them from voting in upcoming elections. The films ending, in which a conference is held concerning blood diamonds, is in reference to an actual meeting that took place in Kimberley, South Africa in 2000 and led to the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme, which seeks to certify the origin of rough diamonds in order to curb the trade in conflict diamonds. In the face of the evidence, it is impossible to list any benefits for blood diamonds. They have been condemned by the United Nations. The sheer scale of the civil war in Sierra Leone they helped to fund, in which an estimated 120,000 people were killed from 1991 to 2001, proves that these illegitimate diamonds do nothing but cause human suffering. In February 2011, Charles Taylors trial before the Special Court for Sierra Leone heard that he received mayonnaise jars full of blood diamonds from the Revolutionary United Front, providing them with the arms they needed in return. The U. S. appens to be the largest consumer of conflict diamonds, purchasing over $33. 7 billion dollars’ worth of the rocks in 2005. Wondering what conflict diamonds are? I’m no fawning fan of DiCaprio, but the film â€Å"Blood Diamond† is nowhere near as fictional as we’d like it to be. Conflict diamonds involve abuse, corruption and death. There goes that gorgeous, shimmery, sparkling stone set in platinum I’ve been dreaming about. This movie and together with some other researches I did has made me to come into a conclusion and a question if I would ever wear a diamond. Here are important reasons, We’ve been conditioned to want a diamond. Who isn’t tired of the advertising and marketing ploys used to brainwash us into believing our value as women rests on the size of our†¦gem? (Toss that in with measurements and marital status and we’ve got an endless supply of not-good-enough. ) Marketers have thrown us a giant, glittering bone, and watched the profits pile up as we’ve chased, fetched and rolled over in order to conform to what we’ve been conditioned to believe is the only acceptable standard. Diamond prices have been artificially inflated by the diamond cartel. The average diamond sold in the U. S. has been over-graded in quality by 2 grades, and the average U. S. couple pays twice what they should for an engagement ring. Do i really want to enter into a lifelong commitment with a man who’s willing to waste his hard-earned cash on a diamond, especially when said diamond is ridiculously overpriced? Diamond mines damage the environment. This is important, even though it’s true of all types of mining, not just diamond mining. Mines are dangerous for workers (including children) and threaten our planet, too. I wish there were a way to dig that deep without so much damage. A diamond is not forever. Nothing is forever. Engagements, marriages, jobs, you name it. If they happen to last a long time, then you are indeed a very lucky person. Why do we kid ourselves into believing that a sparkling rock, delivered to us on the backs of the abused, purchased for more than it’s worth, marketed for more than it means and obtained at the expense of our own dear planet will keep love alive?.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Philippines And The United States :: essays research papers

The Philippines and The United States The Philippines and the United States are very two populated place but still very different in many ways. The United States has more job opportunities than the Philippines. So, there more successful people in America today. In the Philippines, the percentage of arable land is 34% mean there is plenty of manufactured goods, clothing, and lumber there. The birth rate is 35.9 per 1,000 population per year. The death rate is 7.8 per 1,000 population per year. In the Philippines, most households have maids to do there chores. The house owners work so many hours a day that they need house sitter that will take care of the house and kids. The population in the Philippines is around 59.9 Million which is fairly large for the land capacity of the Philippines . At the Philippines, there are 15 telephones per 1,000 population and 114 televisions per 1,000 population. The Philippines exports manufactured goods, clothing and lumber while they import petroleum products, machinery, and raw materials. Also in the Philippines, there are a lot of young people compared to the United States. 42% of the population is under 15. At the Philippines, females live to an average of 65.5 years old while the men live to an average of 61.8 years old. The United States is a hole different place in many ways. The population of the united states is around 248.7 Million. The United States Exports Machinery, food(Miscellaneous), and Chemicals. And they import Petroleum, petroleum products, and motor vehicles. People in the United states tend to live longer than the people in the Philippines. Females live around to the age of 78.3 while the males live around to the age of 71.4. There are 769 telephones per 1,000 population and 769 televisions per 1,000 population. There is 21% arable land in the United states. Many people have moved to the United States seeking for a better life. At the United states, there are 3,679,192 square

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Battle of the Teutoburg Forest

| Battle of the Teutoburg Forest In 9 AD, Roman general Roman general Varus was betrayed by Arminius, the leader of a massive Germanic tribe. Arminius deceived the Roman and led them into a trap deep into the Teutoburg forest which would lay a foundation for what will be one of the biggest defeats in roman history; resulting in the extermination of some 20,000 roman troops. The effects of this defeat halted Roman expansion beyond the Rhine River. The psychological affects would eventually take a toll on Augustus, leading to illness and death. (Wells, p. 5) Arminius was the prince of the Cherusci tribe of Germans. He lived in the northern part of modern day Germany. (P. 107) Later, he would go on to serve in the roman army, in command of Roman auxiliary forces comprised of members from the surrounding tribes. He learned his tactic here while in his service for Rome. This would later grant him the upper hand, for he will know the Romans weaknesses and he will know how they fight. He mo st likely had a variety of motives for serving in the Roman military. Besides earning a substantial salary, he would have gained considerable status in Rome.During his years of service to the Roman Military he learned Latin and in recognition of is efforts to Rome, was award with Roman citizenship. (P. 108). This is a prize that is normally bestowed upon those leaders who give exceptional service to Rome. Also, he was granted status as an equestrian, which is quite a high rank in Roman society. Around the year of 9 A. D. , Arminius left the Roman military and returned to his homeland. When he returned home at the age of 25, his experience with the Roman military had prepared him to lead. Rome’s man in the Rhineland in A. D. 9 was Publius Quinctilius Varus. † (Wells,P. 80) He had attained an excellent record of service as governor and general in various places within the Empire. In the year of 13 B. C. he served for consul with Claudius Nero. Varus was provided entry int o the political elite of Rome via marriage connections and relationships linked with Augustus. As his role as Consul, Varus was able to integrate himself within the political world and shake hands with the right people. Events leading up to the attack were slow but steady.Romans held little of Germania before the revolt, they had some organized communities but not many. Romans believed they had a mission to grant others with the civilized life such as theirs and to give other regions what they have to offer. This expansion pushed smoothly and slowly through Germania as the tribes there began to see the benefit of Roman civilization. â€Å"The barbarians were adapting themselves to Roman ways, were becoming accustomed to hold markets, and were meeting in peaceful assemblages.They had not, however, forgotten their ancestral habits, their native manners, their old life of independence, or the power derived from arms†¦becoming different without knowing it. † (Cassius Dio, P. 1) However, when Quinctilius Varus was placed Governor of the province of Germania he began to push Roman way of life on them at a much quicker rate. According to Cassius Dio, â€Å"Besides issuing orders to them as if they were actually slaves of the Romans, he exacted money as he would from subject nations. To this they were in no mood to submit. Ancient historian, Velleius Paterculus, notes that Varus was â€Å"more accustomed to the leisure of the camp than to actual service in war. † The quiet camp grounds and communities suits Varus quite well. Arminus returned to Germania from Pannonina as a respected leader and trusted Roman citizen. Germanic tribe members complied with Roman law while suppressing their barbarian ways of solving issues. This was only a front to keep the Romans off their backs. The barbarians were growing tired of the Roman rules and having to go to Roman courts to have the Romans decide their disputes.The barbarians had long standing traditions for solving their issues and they were not satisfied with the way that Varus forced this rule onto them. The resentment begins to build while the surface seems calm. Varus had not been accustomed to governing those who did not want to be governed. So, when the Germanic people had enough of the Roman forces, they decided to fool him for something must be done to get rid of him. This of course is when the turn to Arminius, for no one is more perfect for the job.His high status and trust within the Roman government allows him to set the largest trap imaginable. Velleius Paterculus adds, â€Å"This young man made use of the negligence†¦seeing that no one could be more quickly overpowered than the man who feared nothing, and that the most common beginning of disaster was a sense of security. † The Germans set their trap deep in the tree clogged forest of the Teutoburg forest. Varus and his troops are packing up to advance to a camp to the east. Meanwhile, he is approached by an o ld friend, Arminius. He notifies Varus of a small ribal uprising right off the course to their intended path to the camp. This ambush was setup alongside a narrow path, causing the romans to march closely together. (Cassius Dio, P. 7) Cassius Dio notes, â€Å"they had with them many wagons and many beasts of burden as in time of peace. † To add to the difficulties, it had begun to rain, making the forest floor slippery while tree tops fell on them creating confusion. While the Romans were undergoing such complications, the barbarians suddenly surrounded them on all sides at once. They were caught in the worst situation possible.The Roman army was slaughtered as thousands of soldiers were ambushed by barbarians, destroying 16,000 Romans in one swoop (Wells, P. 189). This battle was significant for the fact that it halted Roman expansion across the Rhine River and sent a message to Rome that they were not invincible. While it may have been a short battle, it was a large loss. W hen Augustus is exposed the extreme loss, he is devastated. The Romans, along with Varus, knew that it was completely Varus’s fault and would lead him to suicide. Works Cited Wells, Peter S.The Battle That Stopped Rome: Emperor Augustus, Arminius, And The Slaughter Of The Legions In The Teutoburg Forest / Peter S. Wells. n. p. : New York : W. W. Norton, 2004. , 2004. Louisiana State University. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. â€Å"The Battle of Teutoburg Forest. †Ã‚  Penelope. uchicago. edu. Web. 17 Oct. 2012. . â€Å"Velleius Paterculus. †Ã‚  The Battle in the Teutoburg Forest. N. p. , 16 Aug. 2010. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The new blue music: Changes in rhythm & blues Essay

ContemporaryR&B Introduction                   Music has been one of many sources of entertainment globally. Contemporary R&B is one of the many music genres found globally. This type of music brings together elements of the old rhythm and blues, hip hop, pop, soul and funk. Contemporary R&B has a cultured record creation style, drum machine as well as smooth and a luxurious style of vocal understanding. Contemporary R&B commonly referred by many as Rhythm and Blues is my preferred type of music,                   especially the one created by African-American artists. This music genre has a unique quality of its own. The emergence of the music was due to the need to identify the music differently from the other types of R&B that were originally there before the coming of contemporary R&B. Coming of Contemporary R&B resulted in combination or pulling together all other forms of music such as hip-hop, blues, pop, soul and funk and coming up with the new form of R&B. There is an increasing in the influence of this type of music. Our future generations should continue to listen and appreciate contemporary R&B music (Ripani, 2006).                   Since the introduction of this type of music (contemporary R&B) in 1980’s in disco scenes, the music has continued to flow as well as the older music that had merged to make the genre. Various artists have contributed to the development of this type of music. For example, Michael Jackson brought this music into the conventional music culture. The coming up of contemporary R&B gave its larger audience that before. The merge between hip hop and R&B brought music into a higher level in terms of appreciation by people. Since the turn of 21st century, hip hop also gained popularity as part of contemporary R&B, as the earliest form of R&B had gained in 1990’s. Through the incorporation with other types of music, the music was becoming more appealing and cool to the rhythm and blues followers as well as hip hop audiences. The use effects such as Autotune together with computerized synths have given R&B a more futuristic feel whilst still trying to include many of the genre’s general themes such as relationship and love. The advancements of the genre’s production and instrumentation have stimulated the success of artists such as Frank Ocean, Miguel and Janelle Monae among many others (Ripani, 2006). References Ripani, R. J. (2006).  The new blue music: Changes in rhythm & blues, 1950-1999. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.Hoffmann, F., Carlin, R., & Zak, A. J. (2005).  Rhythm & Blues, Rap, and Hip-Hop. New York: Infobase Pub. Source document

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Unique March Holidays and Fun Ways to Celebrate Them

Unique March Holidays and Fun Ways to Celebrate Them Marchs signature holiday may be St. Patricks Day, but there are plenty of little-known holidays throughout the month. Unique holidays can be the most fun to celebrate. Add some fun learning opportunities to your school calendar this month by celebrating these unique March holidays. Dr. Seuss Day (March 2) Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, was born on March 2, 1904, in Springfield, Massachusetts. Dr. Seuss wrote dozens of classic children’s books, including  The Cat in the Hat, Green Eggs and Ham, and One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish. Celebrate his birthday with some of the following ideas: Use food coloring to enjoy a breakfast of green eggs and ham.The book  Green Eggs and Ham was written using only 50 words. Try writing a story of your own using those same 50 words.Throw a Dr. Seuss birthday party.Make Cat in the Hat cookies World Wildlife Day (March 3) Celebrate World Wildlife Day by learning more about the creatures that inhabit our world. Choose a unique animal to research. Use the library or online resources to discover facts such as where it lives; its habit; its life cycle and lifespan; what it eats; and what makes it unique.Visit a zoo, aquarium, nature preserve, or conservation center.Define the words endangered and extinct. Discover some examples of each and learn what steps we can take to help preserve endangered species. Oreo Cookie Day (March 6) Oreo, the best-selling cookie in the United States, consists of two chocolate cookies with a sweet, cream filling. The most obvious way to celebrate Oreo Cookie Day is to grab a handful of cookies and a glass of milk for a tasty treat. You might also try some of the following: Use Oreo cookies to demonstrate the phases of the moon.Learn about the history of Oreo cookies.Make Oreo truffles. Pi Day (March 14) Math lovers, rejoice! Pi Day is celebrated on March 14 – 3.14 – each year. Mark the day by: Answering the question,  what is pi?Reading  Sir Conference and the Dragon of Pi.Baking an actual pie.Doing something special – eat your pie, throw confetti – at 1:59 p.m. to reinforce the fact that the actual value of pi is 3.14159†¦ World Storytelling Day (March 20) World Storytelling Day celebrates the art of oral storytelling. Storytelling is much more than simply sharing facts. It’s weaving them into memorable tales that can be passed down from generation to generation. Check with your local library to see if they have lined up any special guests for World Storytelling Day.Invite your children’s grandparents to tell stories of their childhood. If the grandparents are stuck for ideas, try these storytelling suggestions.Allow each of your family members to try their hand at storytelling.Try some games to improve your storytelling technique. Poetry Day (March 21) Poems often trigger an emotional response, causing them to stay lodged in our memories for a lifetime. Writing poetry can be a wonderful emotional outlet. Try these ideas to celebrate Poetry Day: Learn about different types of poetry, such as  acrostic, Haiku, found poetry, couplets, etc.Try writing a few different types of poems.Choose a book or two of poetry to read from throughout the day.Illustrate your favorite poem.Try memorizing a new poem.Learn about a famous poet. Make Up Your Own Holiday Day (March 26) Can’t find a holiday to suit you? Make up your own! Turn it into a learning opportunity for your homeschooled students by inviting them to write a paragraph describing their made-up holiday. Be sure to  answer why and how it is celebrated. Then, commence celebrating! Pencil Day (March 30) Despite its obscure history, Pencil Day should be celebrated by homeschoolers worldwide  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ because who is better at losing pencils than we are? They disappear at an alarming rate rivaled only by single socks that disappear from the dryer. Celebrate Pencil Day by: Going on a search and rescue mission for all the missing pencils in your home.Learn about some notable pencil users.Make a pencil cake.Purchase pencils to donate to organizations who supply school supplies to needy children. These little-known holidays can add an air of festivity to each week throughout the month. Have fun!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Avoid Over-Fertilizing Your Trees

Avoid Over-Fertilizing Your Trees Well-meaning homeowners who want to stimulate growth or promote health in their landscape trees often feed them with fertilizers. Unfortunately, too much of a good thing can have the opposite effect and can actually harm your trees. In normal landscape soils, many trees require no feeding at all, and if you do feed them, its critical that you use the right fertilizers in the right ratios.   The Right Fertilizer With the Right NPK Ratio Trees are usually grown for the appeal of their green foliage, so the best fertilizer is one with a relatively high ratio of nitrogen, which promotes green growth. Unless your soil is deficient in potassium or phosphorus (a soil test can tell you this), fertilizers for trees should have a high nitrogen number in the N-P-K designation.   A good choice is a fertilizer with an N-P-K (nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus) ratio of 10-6-4, preferably in a slow-release formulation.  Slow-release formulations are usually non-liquid products that use granules that are released gradually into the soil.   Although balanced fertilizers, such as 10-10-10 products, can be helpful for many flower and vegetable gardens when used with discretion, such fertilizers can have a bad effect when applied to the soil beneath trees. Excessive amounts of these nutrients can create too much mineral salt in the soil, which will harm the beneficial soil microorganisms  necessary to healthy trees.   Stay at less than .20 pounds of nitrogen per 100 square feet of root zone application area, depending on tree species and size. Any time you exceed this recommendation, you will create a situation for on-site contamination or the potential for runoff pollution into lakes and streams. Extreme contamination of soil can harm the site for a very long time. The Effects of Excessive Fertilization on Trees You can actually kill a tree if you apply too much fertilizer. Applying high levels of quick- release nitrogen can burn the roots when applied to the soil and can burn the foliage when applied as a foliar spray or drench. And if the fertilizer contains too much potassium and phosphorus, it creates excessive soil salts that trees may be unable to tolerate.   The most common ways to over-fertilize a tree include: Over-use of fertilizers that contain an equal ratio of all three essential nutrients (nitrogen, potassium,  and phosphorus)Applying more fertilizer than the standard recommended application rate suggestsUsing fast-release rather than time-release fertilizers Any or all of these mistakes will increase the chance of root damage to your tree. Too much fertilizer introduces toxic salt levels that not only harm the tree  but also make the site unsuitable for future planting.   Symptoms and Treatment for an Over-Fertilized Tree Symptoms of a tree that has been over-fertilized include: A crust of fertilizer visible on soil surface beneath the tree drip zone (the area of the ground beneath the spread of the branches)Yellowing, wilting, and browning on the trees foliage, starting at tree leaf tips and marginsA tree that starts to drop leaves before dormancy  begins.   The tree may survive and the site can be much improved if you do a fairly simple, three-part treatment as quickly as possible: Remove the dying or wilting leaves, if you have any, to reduce fertilizer remnants in the tree itself.Water the fertilized area of the soil thoroughly to a flushing point. Copious supplies of water will be necessary to flush excess fertilizer from the soil.  Cover the critical root zone with a natural plant-based mulch- preferably composted leaves and grass.  Perform a second water flush over the composted mulch.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

IKEA Business Ethics Dilemma Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

IKEA Business Ethics Dilemma - Case Study Example Thus, the main dilemma is how to respond to consumer's social demands and expectations and meet social responsibility in marketing. For IKEA, consumer citizens are pressuring business to achieve higher levels of social and ethical responsibility. Why should corporations, and especially marketers, respond to these new demands Part of the answer lies in business concern with the "threat" of more governmental regulation. This is the argument which goes, "If we don't, government will" (Singer 12). But part of the reason why business is moving to higher levels of social performance is to be found in consideration of the ethics of the situation. Socially responsible behavior on the part of the firm can be justified by standards of rightness as well as of economics and the law. It may be sound business practice, as well as morally right, for a marketer to attempt to meet socially responsible performance standards. The pressures imply the development of rules and standards by which business actions may be judged as "right" or "wrong". In other words, ethical decisions under free enterprise are "moral decisions", impelle d by social sanctions, but modified by economics and environmental requirements (Velasquez 45). The growing professionalism in marketing is also stimulating the development and acceptance of pervasive "socially conscious" standards of ethics. Some insights into the changing social and ethical responsibilities of marketing are explored (O'Neill & Hern 129; IKEA Home Page 2008). In IKEA, expenditure of time and resources on such issues is still regarded by some managers as wasteful or as time spent on peripheral issues. However, allocating resources to such issues is no longer a matter of option. These questions are not on the periphery of corporate planning, but an inescapable part of corporate planning and concern. The partial answers existing in accounting-economics terms do not satisfy growing concern with the corporation as a means to a social end--improving the quality of life. The quality of life issue is the major problem confronting business now (Singer 17). Meeting the issue will require management commitment and time, will be costly, and frustrating, but necessary. Corporate presidents can expect to spend more time on the quality of life issues--on consumer/environmental and social concerns--than their predecessors. Management's new task is to balance traditional profit and rate of returns on investment criteria with new definitions of social cost s, social purpose, and social conscience (O'Neill & Hern 129). The starting point for socioindustrial progress analysis is not to be found in corporate traditions or corporate history or even industrial history. The starting point is to relate social progress of the corporation to national goals and to the social indicators being developed to evaluate the attainment of these goals (Velasquez 32). This approach sounds like socialism to some. It is not. Social progress was once considered to be a national by-product of economic progress. Society believed that social progress was achieved through continued economic growth and progress. The accumulation of material wealth and affluence is no longer automatically equated with social progress by a growing number of influential Americans. Public

Thursday, October 31, 2019

SWOT Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

SWOT Analysis - Essay Example Further, the same industry generated actual revenues during the 2009 and 2010 gambling periods. The 2009 gambling revenue reached $ 10,393 million. Favorably, the 2010 gambling period produced favorably higher actual revenues, $10,405 (Statistica, 2014). Client-centered innovative strategies boost gaming industry revenues. The company, Nevada Gold and Casinos Company, is engaged in casino gambling activities. The company is located within Nevada gambling area. The company caters to the resorts and casino needs of current and future customers. The gambling rooms include the popular slot machines (Nevada Gold Casino, 2014). The company offers several gambling game options. The options cater to the slot machine gamblers’ needs. The other gamblers will patronize the card games. The company delivers the bingo games to selected patrons. Other visitors will troop to the roulette gambling table (, 2006). The company offers high quality hospitality service to its gambling patrons. The customers can easily buy beverage from the friendly and accommodating casino staff. The dedicated and sincere hotel room employees enthusiastically deliver quality hospitality services. As proof, Nevada Gold Casino generated $62,807,000 the year ended April 30, 2014. The company generated the same year’s $ 448,000 net profit (Nevada Gold Casino, 2014). The company is small in size. The company needs additional top quality line and staff employees to increase the company’s current revenue generating activities. With more line and staff employees, more customers will feel a reduction in the casino cashiers’ queue lines. The employees deliver quality casino restaurant services to the gambling customers. As a new company, the company lacks the actual experiences needed to ensure a synergistic coordination of all the casino’s activities (, 2006). The Casino can open up more spaces to cater to other visitors. The

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Religion and International Relations Research Paper

Religion and International Relations - Research Paper Example Although the concept of religion is as old as mankind, it is interesting to note that policymakers and legislators have vastly ignored the roles of religion in the governance of a nation and even international relations. The schism between the East and West has increased by twofold because of this very reason that they fail to incorporate religion in their dialogue, leaving no space for people from these two different worlds to interact (Fox & Sandler 2010, p. 2). The substance of this prose will not only examine the importance of religion in international relation as discussed in light of scholarly theories but it will also discuss the techniques through which they can use to include religion and use it to create a more harmonious society. Although religion has been used multiple times in political context, but despite its frequent usage it is impossible to put down this phenomenon in to a proper definition. Religion is often seen as a set of ideas or notions that are vastly negated by scientific research and are perceived to be irrational (Philpot 2009). Religion is widely believed to be irrational, which underlines the negative sentiments against this institution. However, sadly not everyone especially in the Eastern sphere agrees with that notion which turns out to be the main source of conflict. This is because Religion is responsible for shaping worldviews; as mentioned earlier, since religion constitutes culture it is also a part of an individual’s identity. Religion is also used to legitimize basic human rights and political processes. Moreover, most religions have transformed into huge organizations, like the Catholic Church there is an added pressure to appease and include religions (Fox & Sandler 2010, p.2). Even historically there is a strong tie between correlation between nation and religion is that it is what helped the people relate to one another. It was a binding force as it brought people together and helped them demarcate right from wrong. Religious views led to establishments on various superstitions and myths, and with the rising popularity of science, it just sparked more debates and people became wary of religion, but with terrorist attacks the sentiments became more hostile towards the idea of religion. However the conflict is triggered because most of the scholarly work done on the matter is vastly done from Western-centric perspective and which is why this blatant ethnocentricism in religious views has further deepened the conflict. However, as the society becomes more and more culturally diverse and even aware, there is an added pressure on authorities to take religion into account as per the constitutional clause that entitles every individual to freedom of speech, expression and practices. The most unfortunate fact is that because of the controversial nature of the topic, religion is more or less treated as a tabooed subject. The modern rejection according to Fox & Sandler (2010, p. 10) comes fro m the stigmas attached with religion that is extremist, radical and backward. There is a need for more open dialogue on the subject and an increase in literature from all three sides; which is the pro-religion side, the anti-religion and one from a neutral perspective. Policymaking is a crucial affair as individuals need to take into account diverse needs of the people and religion becomes even more of essence as not just 9/11 but there are plenty of conflict existing in present day that are triggered by or has it s base in religion, which will be discussed in later parts of the prose. The case

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Examining Entrepreneurs as Agents of Change

Examining Entrepreneurs as Agents of Change Introduction The rapid growth of the marketing is constantly changing our lives. As a result, entrepreneurs are played the importance role in a market as they are seen as agents of change. Which the change is economically based, the implications are far reaching, affecting other aspects of society such as social, cultural and political. That is why the entrepreneur is willing to take the responsibility and taking business risk to create and expand their business to order to explore more opportunities. Which the goods and services are fulfills customers demand and preferences. Entrepreneurs seen to be the starters and them also assume the role of manager. Which entrepreneurs are observing the fourth factor of production (entrepreneur, land, labor and capital) and improve for the economic development. They were actively form to lead their own business and cultivate and offering new ideas for the economic growth and prosperity in individually. Moreover, entrepreneurs have a good in planning and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Therefore, it can avoid the failure that may threat to an entrepreneur and the lack of continuity of the business and know how to developing the field of social entrepreneurship. In the scenarios, among a social entrepreneur is motivated to improve and transform social, educational, environmental and economic conditions. Social entrepreneurs are for social improvement but not for the money. They are presents their ideas that are user-friendly and ethical that which applies innovative solutions to support in order to expand the large number of people to tackle their idea. Which the challenges and successful of highly effective social entrepreneurs include the failure and a lack of acceptance of the status. The social entrepreneur is importance to driven by an emotional desire to the social and economic conditions and not only by the desire for profit. Anyways, they seek for the best solutions to resolve the problems that can be copied by others. In other hand, social entrepreneur were improvement of the goods and services offered to the community is to create the social value with run as non-profits. Challenges of Social Entrepreneurship The challenging issue of social entrepreneurship is to build up a no funding of reliable team, and establish an effectively and reality business plan to scale up. In this case, the skills and insight of a social entrepreneurship is very importance that must hold by them in their business. Challenges may bring the success for entrepreneurs to lead their own businesses and active involvement to explore more opportunities. The below are show the challenges of social entrepreneurship. 2.1 Managing Accountability Accountability is a complicated issue for social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurs create the opportunities, good in planning and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Which they must have a good skills and insight to developing its strategic in the business. Social entrepreneurs need to build the profitable businesses which are observing the fourth factor of production (entrepreneur, land, labor and capital) and improve for the economic development. Therefore, social entrepreneur always strive for excellence in a business which make their own view and experiences to the companys strategy. However, social entrepreneurs also same with other entrepreneurs, have to search for resources and survive until the business begins reaping income. The challenges and skills are useful in the future for entrepreneurs more accountable on their business. 2.2 Managing the Double Bottom Line Double bottom line is a business term which can create a series of tensions across the business (Pharaoh, Scott, Fisher, 2004). Its to measure the financial performance in term of positive social impact. It approach to applied to public and private sector organizations ability to take their strengths and capacity and match them to an opportunity they see in the marketplace- an opportunity that both meets their mission and provides financial stability- this is what we call double bottom line. (Anon, 1999) These great efforts must take time to achieve the results more effective management and outcome the form of revenue diversification. 2.3 Managing Identity In the managing identity issues, Social entrepreneurs who have worked mainly in the nonprofit sector may find it difficult to identify closely with the commercial side of the business; for entrepreneurs with a for-profit background, the problem may be a difficulty identifying with the goals and approach of the social side of the venture, especially when they undermine the stability of the business (Pharoah et al., 2004). Besides that, Complex identity issues such as these need to be made explicit in the context of social entrepreneurship education, which should also convey the commercial realities of managing a social venture; regardless of their commitment to their social vision, only by operating profitably can social entrepreneurs engender sustainable social change. Clearly, this raises particular leadership dilemmas for social enterprise (Martin, 2003). 2.4 Managing a Global Operation Managing a global operation also play the important role for the challenges of social entrepreneur. All the work is done for global especially for social enterprise which they are faced to the new challenges to management the business. In this case, the time also important to this section to help them more function closely as a team in workplace. Anyways, staying objective and communicating your value, fighting fires and thinking strategically, and remaining true to the vision when complexity arrives are also be the strategically to positioning the business while there are occur a list of issues that need to be solve in the workplace. Success of Social Entrepreneurship The success will require the well practice, interchangeable ideas and knowledge to improve the society. Social entrepreneurship must have the hard work, plain, and simple behaviour to driven the success that can solve the social issues. Anyways, they are shared their ideas and have a good in plan and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Therefore, it can avoid the failure that may threat to an entrepreneur and the lack of continuity of the business and know how to developing the field perfectly. The next point will bring the success to an entrepreneurs is traits of an entrepreneur. Thats important for entrepreneur to strive the excellent in business and also focus on how they can get the things they want through the ways they go. Below are show the factor and traits of an entrepreneur to driven the success. 3.1 Goal-Setter A goal-setter is very importance for anyone to get the successful in business. Stay focused and strive for balance to set a goal will be useful for everyone. To achieve the goal, entrepreneur must ensure that the goal is clearly and achieve attainable vision with concrete measurable goals. 3.2 Knowing Your Strengths and Weaknesses Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of an entrepreneur also may bring the successful in business. Anyways, the strengths and weaknesses are playing an active role in people likes to successful in business. This is the ability that entrepreneurs have to brush off failures and mistakes and keep going forward. Therefore, an entrepreneur must exercise how to get even better performance in business, enhance self-confidence, and improve the study skills, knowledge and ability. Regardless in life or in business, entrepreneurs are playing the importance and potential role in the business. Before that, entrepreneurs have to self-evaluation themself such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This may transform people attitudes to get even better, know the ways to improve the ability. 3.3 Maximizing Opportunities An opportunity is importance for entrepreneurs; they are always looking for opportunities. Whether they are already in business or just getting started, they have an attitude that expects opportunities, and they invest the time necessary to find the opportunities that will work for them; even those already running a successful business remain open to new possibilities. (Anon, 2003) 3.4 Know Your Business/ Know Your Competition Problems are always occurring in the business. The new idea may bring the opportunities by increase the income of the business and success achieve the goal was set. So that an entrepreneur must have a good in plan and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Entrepreneur must have the great thinking and creative ideas that to play the important to share the new ideas which the ideas may make them success in their own business. 3.5 Effectively Manage Budgets and Finances Budgets and finance are also the issues for entrepreneurs as how they earn the income by investment. The ethical and moral must be including by an entrepreneur, they use the positive ways to operate their business. Effectively manage budgets and finances may help them to save the resources and reduce the expenses in production. 3.6 Never Settle for Second Best Never settle for second best also as a trait for an entrepreneur also may bring the successful in business. Entrepreneurs have a good in planning and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Innovation for entrepreneurs is to done the new ideas to become products and services which the products and services are fulfill customers demand and preferences. They were actively form to lead their own business and cultivate and offering new ideas for the economic growth and prosperity in individually. Moreover, entrepreneurs are capability to learn from the failure and personal initiative to make innovation and improvement to get the business opportunities. 3.7 Hard Work The time is the issues that to bring people for driven to success. The characteristic of an entrepreneur are willingness to work hard and assuming the responsibility in the workplace. Entrepreneurs must know how to managing their time to work or launching a new business. Therefore, they are fully applying they ability with intensity and focus to done their duty in business. The position of an Social Entrepreneurship To become a great entrepreneur, there are the ways to position their post in workplace. This may helpful to entrepreneurs to success in business and improve their knowledge and ideas. 4.1 Set a clear, attainable vision with concrete measurable goals Explanation the notion of leading is to motivate employee to achieve the goals has been set. Create a shared culture and values, communicating to all the employees of all the organization. That may infusing the employees that to perform the high level and ability to shape the communication, culture and motivate employees to achieve business success. Anyways, leading process were let the employees know what is the vision need to measure up and try to motivate the employees to make the organization more effectiveness, efficiency and functional the organization. Tell people what your individual expectations are A feedback is helpful to specific and measurable about their ongoing job performance. Its may identify the employees who get the benefit from every training or supervision. In other hand, everyones expectations are different to each other. Theyre needed to tell other about what was he or she expects to want to get in the business. Thats the key to striving to make someone a success. Moreover, responsibility for a person may bring the effect to the whole organization. The motivation, dedication and productive may drive the business a success. Entrepreneurs may feel confident about their skills and it may make it easily be more productive, satisfied and successful. Self-review, evaluation to motivate the potential in the workplace Self-evaluation can use the SWOT analysis to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in workplaces. However, it may transform people attitudes to get even better, know the ways to improve the ability. A good conversation promotes an image of intelligence, wittiness and, self-confidence. Therefore, this may improve a persons ability in conversation or other situation. This also may help people to find the objectives and how to solve the problem in presentation, study, and finding information. Anyways, different path such as academic, personal, career, or other also has distinct objectives. To achieve the goal, a person must ensure that goal is clearly aware of what is expected from them if an objective is to be achieved. (ezinearticles, 2005) Be open to new ideas The thinking strategically is the challenges for entrepreneurs to resolve the business problem and create the innovations. A social entrepreneur must have the great thoughts and creative ideas. Thats an important reason that to share their new ideas which the ideas may success to improve their organization. A new idea may bring the opportunities to extensive the business in which increased productivity. The challenges in the field of social entrepreneurship also the development of new strategies and notion frameworks tailored specifically to social value creation. These reactions are crucial to fostering a positive environment that builds morale, improves motivation, and creates opportunities for success. Conclusion In the conclusion, challenges and success will build up a good behavior and establish an effectively and reality business plan to scale up. The success will require the well practice, interchangeable ideas and knowledge to improve the society. Challenges may bring the success for entrepreneurs to lead their own businesses and active involvement to explore more opportunities. Anyways, they are shared their ideas and have a good in plan and manage strategically to make a decision and always strive for excellence in a business. Therefore, it can avoid the failure that may threat to an entrepreneur and the lack of continuity of the business and know how to developing the field perfectly. Social entrepreneurship must have the hard work, plain, and simple behaviour to driven the success that can solve the social issues. In this case, the skills and insight of a social entrepreneurship is very importance that must hold by them in their business. The skills may help social entrepreneurship development of new strategies to perform a good performance and developing the field perfectly in workplace.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Faces Of The Diamond - Essay O :: essays research papers

Faces of the Diamond - Essay on The Diamond as big as the Ritz â€Å"Diamond †¦ was designed utterly for my own amusement. I was in a mood characterized by a perfect craving for luxury, and the story began as an attempt to feed that craving on imaginary foods.† Craving is a strong, urgent and persistent desire. According to Buddhist teachings, desire is the root to all the sufferings and injustices in the world. If it were the goal of mankind to abandon their desires for excessive needs, the world would be a peaceful and harmonious place. Throughout history, there had also been great prophets such as Isaiah and other outstanding preachers who made daring attempts to convert and lead mankind back to the Lord, our God. However, their words of wisdom fell upon deaf ears for evilness can be very seductive. With a similar task to those of the prophets and preachers, the author F. Scott Fitzgerald, also known as the poet of the Jazz Age, criticizes the American society in a different approach. By stressing and emphasizing on the societyâ⠂¬â„¢s worst features, the faults of its members will be greatly magnified and clearly defined. This literary genre of satire is employed by Fitzgerald in his novelette, â€Å"the Diamond as Big as the Ritz† to ridicule the American society on the terms of the corruption of the American dream, the maltreatment of human life and the limits to the power of wealth. Before the dawning of the Jazz Age, the American dream stood for hard work, honesty, virtue, and morality, as any individual of the society is able to achieve success and rise to a higher level of material living regardless of one’s origin. As time proceeded, Americans began to strive for their goal through underhanded tactics thus corrupting the main principles of the utopian dream. Hence, the American dream has now become a satirical term that is known for crime, deceit, stealing, and killing. â€Å"The Diamond as Big as the Ritz† features Braddock Tarleton Washington, the richest man on Earth, as one who rises to ultimate power without having to work for it. Born a direct descendent of George Washington, Braddock only takes care to protect his prized possession, the world’s biggest diamond rivaling in size with the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. His task is easily accomplished by simply killing and imprisoning those who accidentally stumble upon his property and learn of his secret possession.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Points to Remember Before Starting Dog Breeding Business

Starting a dog breeding business is an endeavor that can be exceptionally rewarded, but at the same time, one that has its own challenges. The dog breeding world has expanded greatly, and now people who love dogs and love breeding them can make a living out of their passion. The business isn’t for everyone, but if you know a lot about a particular breed and have a desire to turn your passion for canines into a full-time pursuit, becoming a dog breeder may be the right opportunity for you. A dog breeding business can be very profitable, and that’s perhaps why we see more and more people starting it, however the biggest mistake you can make is to see dog breeding as a just a way to make money. It takes a lot of patience, hard work, knowledge, and commitment, so it’s not something to start on a whim. However, if you’re up to the challenge, a dog breeding business can be quite rewarding – financially and personally. To start, breeding is not an easy-business. There is a misconception from people that think that you just have to put a male and a female dog together. There is more behind that, including exams, research, and the selection of the mating time. These all influence the health of the newborn puppies. Starting a dog breeding business involves investing time, money and energy on getting to know more about dogs, breeding, the breeding cycle, the proper way to choose a mate, etc. Picking the right dog breed can determine how successful your business will become. Among the most important things to consider is the popularity of the breed, the number and quality of breeders you will be competing with, the current prices in the market place, your likes and dislikes as well as your available space. What the Business Involves You’ll be breeding dogs — in other words, selecting a suitable set of purebred parents and raising the resulting puppies. But it’s a lot more involved than just getting Missy and Rover together and letting nature take its course; pups that result from THOSE kinds of unions too often wind up at animal shelters. To breed dogs successfully, you’ll be expected to carefully research pedigrees, genetics and have a solid understanding of breed characteristics and potential problems. Not only that, you’ll need to provide quality food, medical care and the type of accommodations that lead to the growth of healthy, happy puppies. Knowledge or Skills Required Besides loving the particular dog breed you choose, you need expertise about the breed, attention to detail, room that can be devoted to birthing/raising pups and plenty of time. And remember, you can’t breed dogs if you’re squeamish about bodily functions of animals, soiled carpets or sleepless nights. Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages: If you love the dog breed, it can be very enjoyable to have lots of them around High profits are possible (but still not likely) IF you develop a good reputation as a breeder and you offer dog breeds for which there is a demand. This IS something you can try on a one-time basis, by breeding your beloved FiFi and seeing how it goes. The additional equipment you’ll need to breed dogs (such as a whelping box and birthing supplies) isn’t too expensive; but of course, you need the basic dog or animal equipment too (quality food, leashes, bowls, etc. ) Disadvantages: Veterinary care and genetic testing can be very expensive. (Genetic testing? Yes, this may be required by some discerning customers, to rule out congenital and hereditary disorders. The number and kind of genetic tests done on your breed of dog depends on their genetic predisposition for types of disorders. No guarantees in this business! If you want to breed dogs, you have to be comfortable with a certain degree of risk. If the litter is small (common with small breeds of dogs), you’ve invested a great deal of time, effort and money for little return. If the litter is large, costs are correspondingly higher. This is not a business with a steady monthly income, since you don’t breed dogs every month. Females should only be bred once a year (so you have the mother’s maintenance to consider, too. ) How will you advertise your pups for sale? While there are inexpensive options such as posting signs in vet’s offices, you may need to purchase classified advertising, build a website or travel to fully promote your dog breed. Entrepreneur’s Experience In the Dog Breeding Business Man’s best friend can also be a great source of steady income. This rings true for entrepreneur Josephine Molde, who has built a lucrative dog breeding business out of his own backyard. It was in 2000 when she bought a 10-month-old female Dalmatian for P12,000 from a friend. Months later, the dog gave indications that it was ready to mate, and they then paid P2,500 to a stud breeder, an exercise which bore 11 puppies. She then earned a cool P35,000 when she was able to sell them for P3,000 to P3,500 each to friends and through ads. â€Å"We were satisfied with the results so we thought of getting more dogs and expand the business,† Molde said. A Lucrative Business Molde then bought a two-month-old Golden Retriever for P17,000 and while it was growing, the Dalmatian gave birth to 10 more puppies and they pocketed another P30,000. They eventually acquired more breeds and after three years, the business peaked with 40 dogs in 12 varieties. Josephine and her husband Godie also went into the stud business, which turned out to be more profitable and reliable. Godie also learned the art of â€Å"shooting† or helping the dogs mate, which earns for him P300 per session. During that period, the dogs brought in almost P200,000 per month to pad the family’s coffers the majority of which came from the stud part of their business. So we were using the earnings from the stud business for our expenses and maintenance, and the proceeds from the puppies go to our savings,† she said. Abhay, The motive which you have stated about Profit, to be honest not many attain that status. This is mainly hobby and not business. And if any kennel is making profit it must have inner will and strength to sustain themself with quality for min 5-10 years. Once their quality, everything is proven then only i assume they woul d have made some profit. Like Mr Vidya from Meerut, his knowledge is great but he never thought of making profit from day 1. He learnt n learnt and i am sure he knows the max tips of breeding and handling as he is completely devoted into this. So first minimise the number of breeds you wish , study a bit on it, try contacting couple of breeders of those breeds and seek help, The point you mentioned that many people were discouraging was due to the fact that you might be talking about profit from breeding. and they would have told the experience that profit is NEVER possible in start†¦ YOu need min 5 years to study a breed (when it reaches complete adulthood). 10

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Ballet Original

Ballet is a dance-drama performed by one or more dancers accompanied by music. Dancing, music, scenery, and costumes are combined with colorful artistry to express a mood, theme, or story. The dancers perform steps and pantomime carefully worked out by a dance arranger called a choreographer. Professional ballet dancing is a highly disciplined art that can be learned only through years of training. Dancers practice daily and masters the basic movements and steps so thoroughly that they are applied automatically when performing.Lessons for amateurs, including children, teach good posture and bodily grace and increase appreciation for professional performances. The purpose of this study is to know the in-depth history and of development of ballet. II. Discussion A. Development of ballet Ballet grew out of Renaissance court entertainments that were a mixture of dancing, singing, and acting. It became a serious art form in France during the reign of Louis XIV when it moved out of the cou rt ballroom and onto the theatrical stage.Jean Baptiste Lully, a French-Italian composer and dancer, included ballet interludes in his operas and in 1681 introduced women dancers to the public stage. About 1700 Pierre Beauchamp, A French dancing master who often collaborated with Lully, established the five positions of the feet on which all ballet steps are now based (Anderson, 2001). Ballet spread throughout Europe in the 18th century and the dancers became more skilled. Ballet costume, especially the women’s long, heavy dresses and high-heeled shoes, greatly restricted movement and made jumping steps difficult to perform.Marie Camargo and Marie Salle were among the ballerinas who advocated freer movement. Camargo wore ankle-length skirts and heelless shoes, and is credited with introducing the entrechat-quatre. Salle often danced in a simple draped gown, stressing expressive, natural movement. About the middle of the 18th century Jean Georges Noverre, a French dancer and c horeographer, led the movement that established the ballet d’action (dramatic ballet). The spoken interludes that furthered the plot were replaced by pantomime and the corps de ballet became more important (Pasevska, 2000).Gaetan Vestris and his son Auguste were the unrivaled male dancers of the period. In the Nineteenth Century there were many changes in ballet. The ballerina added the technique of dancing sur les pointes (on her toes) and reduced the male dancer to the role of an unimportant partner. The Romantic Movement in literature, music, and painting also affected ballet. Mythological subjects were discarded in favor of themes based on the supernatural and on folk legends. Maria Taglioni, Fanny Elssler, and Carlotta Grissi were among the great ballerinas of the Romantic era.Taglioni introduced the tutu while dancing in La Sylphide (1832); Elssler introduced the character dance, a stylized folk dance. Grissi created the title role of Giselle (1841), the classic ballet of the Romantic age (Clarke & Crisp, 2000). Carlo Blasis, an Italian dancer and teacher, established a system of dance training in The Code of Terpsichore (1830) and is credited with originating the attitude pose. Blasis’s theories were carried to Russia, which became the ballet center in the second half of the century. Marius Petipa, a French dancer and ballet master working in St.Petersburg, created the full-length (three- or four-act) classic ballet. Classic ballets, such as The Sleeping Beauty (1890) and Swan Lake (1895), emphasized dancing for the sake of dancing. Costume, scenery, story, and music played a minor role so as not to distract from the dancing. Twentieth-century Reforms. Many Russian dancers rejected the spectacular entertainment style of the classic ballet. As early as 1904 Michel Fokine, a dancer and choreographer, submitted his plan for ballet reform to the Imperial Theater.He believed the dancing should express the feelings of the characters portrayed an d that the music, decor, and theme should be in harmony, complementing each other. After seeing the American dancer Isadora Duncan performed in 1905, Fokine incorporated her ideas of freedom of movement and rhythmic expression into the discipline of ballet (Koegler, 2002). When the Russian impresario Serge Diaghilev presented the Ballets Russes in Paris in 1909, Fokine was the choreographer. His Les Sylphides marked the beginning of the modern era of ballet.Leading composers, artists, and writers created music, stories, and decor (scenery and costumes) for ballets Russes performances. Fokine created The Firebird (1910) and Petrouchka (1911), both with music by Igor Stravinsky. Ballets Russes dancers included Anna Pavlova, Ida Rubinstein, Adolphe Bolm, and Vaslav Nijinsky and his sister Bronislava. Nijinsky choreographed three famous ballets—Afternoon of a Faun (1812) and Jeaux (1913), both with music by Debussy, and The Rite of Spring (1913), with music by Stravinsky.After 19 14, Leonide Massine became the leading choreographer of the Ballets Russes. He created Parade (1917), music by Eric Satie, story by Jean Cocteau, decor by Picasso; and The Three-Cornered Hat (1919), music by Manuel de falla and decor by Picasso (Dufort, 2004). Throughout the 1920’s the Ballets Russes was the outstanding company, performing throughout Europe and the Americas. Ballet after Diaghilev. In the 1920’s and after Diaghilev’s death in 1929, many dancers and choreographers formed their own schools and companies. Massine became choreographer of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo.In England, Ninette de Valois founded a dance school and company that became the Sadler’s Wells Ballet (now Royal Ballet) and featured such dancers as Alicia Markova, Frederick Ashton, and Margot Fonteyn. Serge Lifar revitalized the Paris Opera Ballet. George Balanchine came to the United States in 1933 and with Lincoln Kirstein formed the School of American Ballet and the Amer ican Ballet (later New York City Ballet). Ballet Theatre (now American Ballet Theatre), formed in 1939 by Lucia Chase, presented ballets by American choreographers and composers as well as classic and contemporary European ballets.The repertoire included Eugene Loring’s Billy the Kid (1938) and Agnes de Mille’s Rodeo (1942), both with music by Aaron Copland; Pillar of Fire (1942) by the Emglish choreographer Anthony Tudor; and Jerome Robbins’ and Leonard Bernstein’s Fancy Free (1944). Nora Kaye, Alicia Alonso, and David Lichine were among the leading dancers (Kuklin, 2000). Ballet Theatre played a major role in the development of American theatrical dance in the 1940’s. International Growth. After World War II ballet became increasingly popular, and numerous, diverse ballet companies flourished.The Royal Danish Ballet became noted for the agility of its male dancers and for its performances of August Bournonville’s 19th-century Danish ballet s, such as Konservatoriet. Of the more than 30 ballet companies in the Soviet Union, Moscow’s Bolshoi Ballet and Leningrad’s Kirov Ballet gained international fame. Among the outstanding companies are Netherlands Dance Theater and Maurice Bejart’s Brussels-based ballet of the 20th Century. Both companies present many experimental ballets (Koegler, 2002).The National Ballet of Canada and Germany’s Stuttgart Ballet became known for their performances of both narrative and abstract ballets. In the United States there has been a spectacular growth of interest in ballet. More than 100 amateur regional ballet companies have been formed along with numerous professional groups. American Ballet Theatre and the New York City Ballet became the major companies, winning international acclaim. The Joffrey Ballet became nationally known for presenting 20th-century standard works, such as Parade, as well as new avant-garde ballets, such as The Relativity of Icarus (1974) .By the 1980 ballet’s dancing and choreographer styles varied widely. The distinction between ballet and modern dance grew narrower as many companies fused the technical discipline of ballet with the freedom of modern dance (Clarke & Crisp, 2000). III. Conclusion In conclusion, ballet has contributed a lot in the dance industry. Ballet groups appear in full-length ballets (divided into acts and scenes) and in programs made up of two or more shorter ballets. Ballets are sometimes included in operas, musical comedies, and other stage, television, and screen productions.The music may be written originally for ballet or adapted from other music. Reference: 1. Anderson, Jack (2001). Choreography Observed (University of Iowa). 2. Clarke, Mary & Clement Crisp (2000). The Ballet Goer’s Guide (Knopf). 3. Dufort, Anthony (2004). Ballet Steps: Practice to performance (Crown). 4. Koegler, Horst (2002). The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Ballet, 5th edition (Oxford University). 5. Ku klin, Susan (2000). Reaching for Dreams: a Ballet from Rehearsal to Opening Night (Lothrop, Lee & Shephard). 6. Pasevska, Anna (2000). Ballet from the First Plie to Mastery (Princeton Book).